Updated August 2023
Some users report BTC Markets import is missing several transactions via API sync and showing different timestamps for transactions in comparison to the exchange transaction history CSV.
If users experience various missing transactions we recommend exporting your transaction history CSV from BTC Markets and reviewing any missing transactions.
We recommend users reconcile these missing transactions and identify the missing transactions pro-actively, users can add those transactions manually, here is a support article on how to do so.
If users believe that they are missing transactions but are not sure which transactions are missing, you can export your transaction history from your exchange via CSV, additionally, you can export a filtered transaction history CSV from CoinTracker for that same exchange (support article). You can then use the following functions in Google sheets or other spreadsheet app to highlight duplicate transactions.Transactions in your exchange CSV that are not duplicates (highlighted) are likely the missing transactions. You can search for those transaction in CoinTracker and if verified they are missing you can add them manually, here is a support article on how to do so..