Users may experience:
  • Users reported outrageous / incorrect portfolio values and wallet values on their Kraken exchange
  • Users may see incorrect transactions that are inflating these values, as an example a simple $100 buy transaction of 3,000 Threshold (T) may be imported as $100 buy of 3,000 BTC.
Expected behavior:
  • Users should expect singe letter assets to be mapped to the correct asset.
As a user, what should I do?
  • Users expect an update on this post once a fix is live
  • If users are in a hurry to reconcile their account, it may be best to remove your Kraken exchange and import it as a CSV to ensure your wallet values are reported correctly.
How can users provide feedback?
You can upvote this forum post to indicate you are experiencing this behavior. The post status will be changed to
once a fix is rolled out to all users. Up-voters will be notified of the status change.
I need additional assistance, who can I contact?
For further assistance, please contact our support team directly.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to enhance your CoinTracker experience!
Keyword: portfolio value, wallet balance, wrong numbers, T, Threshold, BTC