Support income tags in tax summary for Australian users
Chandan - CoinTracker
Users Feature Request:
- Support airdrop, staking rewards, mining rewards and payments showing up as taxable income on tax summary for Australian users
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should we pursue this feature. Up-voters will be notified of the status change.I need additional assistance, who can I contact?
For further assistance, please contact our support team directly.
Thank you for your feedback and cooperation as we work to enhance your CoinTracker experience!
Keywords: Australia, taxable income, tax summary
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Sarah R - CoinTracker
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CoinTracker Support
Sam - CoinTracker
being verified
We have received some reports that this is still not working as expected. We're investigating and will post any updates here.
If you are still seeing issues on your end, comment below and I will reach out to you directly so we can investigate.
Merged in a post:
Airdrops/staking/mining/payments STILL not showing up as income for Australian users
Please fix issue ASAP
Permanently deleted user
Merged in a post:
Tax Report - Kraken staking not being reported as taxable income
It appears that the Kraken API is not feeding through to the Tax Report and being reported as taxable income from rewards received.
Merged in a post:
Mining income not showing up on Tax Center (AU)
Chandan - CoinTracker
Merged in a post:
Staking income missing from tax for Australian users