Improve fiat (USD) balance tracking on wallets and portfolio
Users Feature Request:
Address the inconsistency in fiat balance tracking on CoinTracker, especially when manual transactions are entered. Currently, when a user manually enters a "Sell BTC for USD" transaction, while the BTC balance updates correctly, the USD balance does not reflect the change. This issue stems from the varying ways exchanges integrate with CoinTracker, many of which do not return fiat balances and transactions consistently. Improving how fiat balances are updated and displayed following manual transactions would enhance accuracy and user trust in the platform.
As a user, what can I do?
Although fiat balances do not affect tax calculations on CoinTracker, it's important for users to see accurate representations of their portfolios.
You can 🔼 upvote this feedback post to indicate you would like this issue addressed! The post status will be changed to
should we pursue this feature. Up-voters will be notified of the status change.I need additional assistance, who can I contact?
For further assistance, please contact our
support team directly
.Thank you for your feedback and cooperation as we work to enhance your CoinTracker experience!
Keywords: fiat balance tracking, manual transactions, USD balance, BTC sell
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Sam - CoinTracker
Thank you for reaching out to CoinTracker support! We appreciate your inquiry, this behavior is expected. CoinTracker does not treat fiat balance tracking consistent across integrations, this is because not all integrations return fiat balances and transactions to CoinTracker. Ultimately, fiat balances to not affect your tax calculations.
That being said this is an improvement we would like to pursue in the future! I have moved your request to our Feature Request board for future consideration. Thank you for your patience!
Fiat us balance and support
Emma - CoinTracker
Merged in a post:
Please bring back "Net Fiat Invested" and add Transactions page filter option to display "Net Fiat Invested" transactions
My records for the amount of
fiat I've invested over time (meaning my original fiat transfers from bank accounts, credit cards, etc) are significantly different than any
of the numbers displayed in the Unrealized Returns or Total Returns sections of the performance page. Your Support website claims: "Note: if you want to ignore crypto deposits and withdrawals, you can also view your Net Fiat Invested (on the unrealized performance page) — your total fiat put into crypto purchases minus your total fiat earned from cryptocurrency sales."
...But there is no "Net Fiat Invested" section in any of the tabs of the Performance page or anywhere on your website at all. The "See breakdown" link under Total Returns has a definition for "Net Deposits" that matches neither the definitions of "Net Deposits" nor "Net Fiat Invested" on the above support page, so it's unclear if it's the same as one, the other, or a third calculation altogether. Regardless, this is a significantly different number vs my bank/cc/etc records, hence the request for a filter option on the Transactions page.
like to be able to compare all my various performance and returns breakdowns against my initial money AND have the ability to audit the transactions used to calculate "net fiat invested," so please bring back this total to the performance page and add the ability to filter the transactions used to calculate it to the Transactions page!Thanks
(I'm marking this as both a bug and feature request because the lack of "Net Fiat Invested" on the performance page as claimed on your support website should be considered a bug and the Transactions page filter idea is a feature request)
Oh that's good
Sam - CoinTracker
Sam - CoinTracker
Merged in a post:
Show cash holding under "OTHER TRANSACTIONS"
Pink Grill
For manually added sales transactions that received cash, the cash balance does not show up in the "Other Transactions" wallet. This makes the portfolio look like cash was withdrawn from the wallet. There should be an option to display the cash position similar to what's shown for exchanges linked with API.
plese can someone help me what i need to do?
Sam - CoinTracker
Thank you for reaching out to CoinTracker support! We appreciate your inquiry, this behavior is expected. CoinTracker does not treat fiat balance tracking consistent across integrations, this is because not all integrations return fiat balances and transactions to CoinTracker. Ultimately, fiat balances to not affect your tax calculations.
That being said this is an improvement we would like to pursue in the future! I have moved your request to our Feature Request board for future consideration. Thank you for your patience!