As a user, I regularly review my portfolio balances on CoinTracker and compare the calculated wallet balances with the reported balances from my actual wallet or exchange. I expect that if CoinTracker flags a discrepancy between the calculated balance (what CoinTracker calculates as my balance) and my wallet / exchanges reported balance (the actual balance of my wallet / exchange) that the calculated balance is accurately aggregating and summarizing what is being imported into CoinTracker.
Users report seeing a flagged balance difference for ETH wallets, unfortunately there are no flagged transactions to review so finding the discrepancy is tedious and non-intuitive. Upon further investigation, we were able to verify the calculated balance by exporting the transaction history CSV for a specific wallet, and review the wallet balance using the following formula:
Incoming - (Outgoing + Fees)
This allows us to add up all of the incoming ETH for a particular wallet / exchange and subtract it from the sum of outgoing ETH, this will result in a difference of either remaining or missing ETH. When applying this formula to the exported CSV the calculated difference matched the reported balance. This means that the calculated balance in the CSV does not match what is displayed in the CoinTracker app when it should.
Here is an example:
Image 1: Users will see a balance difference, reported a calculated balance that is larger than than the reported (actual) balance.
Image 2: When calculating (using the above formulate) the calculated balance via the CoinTracker CSV, the total (.00021227 ETH) matches the reported balance (as it should).
The issue and primary point of confusion is the erroneous balance difference flag.
Our team is reviewing the behavior and we will be updating this post once a fix is in place.