Decimal amount in asset truncated on 8949
Emma - CoinTracker
What is the issue?
When downloading Form 8949, the amount of an asset sold is shown with only 3 decimal places. This results in entries showing 0 sold, such as "0.000 BTC" even when small amounts were sold, such as 0.00000432 BTC.
Who is affected?
Users who sold small amounts of an asset.
What is the workaround?
There is currently no effective workaround to view full precision in the 8949 PDF export. Our engineering team is working to fix this.
Please upvote this post to be notified when a fix is available.
Keywords: 8949 form, decimal, truncated
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Emma - CoinTracker
This issue is resolved, and the 8949 form will display the full decimal value.
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Emma - CoinTracker