Manual Edits Make Crypto Sent on NFT Transaction Appear as an NFT
If you make a manual edit to add or modify an amount of crypto sent in exchange for an NFT, that sent crypto will appear as an NFT with a "View NFT Details" link instead of the "View Transaction" link.
The symbol on the crypto sent will appear as the same symbol as one of the NFTs received and the number of the NFT will appear after the symbol for the cryptocurrency. For example, ETH #2306 will show on a mint of NFT #2306.
This affects any fungible token on the "sent" portion of an NFT transaction if the crypto is added manually, or if you change the amount that is automatically synced.
This issue seems to be just a visual problem in the interface and does not affect tax calculations.
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Sam - CoinTracker
This is now resolved, users should no longer see fungible assets displayed as NFTs when making edits moving forward.
This fix is not retroactive! If you would like to have these updates applied to past transactions, please remove and re-add your wallet. CAUTION: Removing your wallet will delete any manual transactions made to that wallet. Please use the following guide to export your manual changes before removing your wallets.
Thank you all for your patience! Please reach out to the support team directly should you require further assistance.
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Sam - CoinTracker
Merged in a post:
Solana NFT token accidentally switches to Coin Token during transaction edit
I had a transaction in Solana wallet whose symbol is BBS (BoldBadger). But the transaction showed no CostBasis. So I had to edit it and add 5 SOL (solana) as its cost basis. However when I do that the transaction changes the original BBS SOL NFT token to a "BBS Coin" (shows kraken like image).
After that error occurs, all following transactions get messed up as it reports errors like "no history of BBS" in wallet. This is because cointracker considers BBS token as different from BBS NFT.
I think NFTS have unique symbol in ETH and will not coincide with ETH coin symbols, but since the NFT was in Solana perhaps there is a conflict in symbols across networks