Unable to update Base currency on mobile app
Sarah T. - CoinTracker
Users may experience:
Users report when navigating the mobile app, they:
- Open the mobile app
- Select settings
- Navigate to Settings > Account > Base Currency
- Attempt to change the Base Currency
- Action: Fails
Users report after attempting to save the Base Currency nothing changes
Expected behavior:
- Users should be able to change their Base Currency from their mobile settings and see the changes persist.
As a user, what should I do?
No action needed, our team is reviewing the behavior. We will update this post once a fix is deployed.
To change your Base Currency, please use either the web application on mobile or on a computer.
How can users provide feedback?
You can 🔼 upvote this forum post to indicate you are experiencing this behavior. The post status will be changed to
once a fix is rolled out to all users. Up-voters will be notified of the status change.I need additional assistance, who can I contact?
For further assistance, please contact our
support team directly
.Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to enhance your CoinTracker experience!
Keywords: mobile, app, base currency, settings
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Sarah T. - CoinTracker
Users should now be able to update the base currency on their mobile app.
Please update your app to the latest version (1.36.3).
Reach out to the CoinTracker support team directly
if you are still noticing the reported behavior.Emma - CoinTracker
in progress
This issue will be addressed in our next app update. Please keep an eye out for an update next week.
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Sarah T. - CoinTracker