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Exchange rate for non-USD fiat is based on UTC and not tax optimized
Users may experience: As a user, I am not US based. I have set my account currency to my respective region. I expect that when I import my portfolio into CoinTracker to calculate my taxes that the exchange rates in my calculations respect the time zone I am in. Currently CoinTracker fetches our exchange rate for the date MM/DD/YYYY + X:XX UTC. This means that users in regions with earlier timezones may be fetching outdated or non-ideal rates for their respective markets. As an example, if CoinTracker fetches exchange rates for 09/28/2023 07:30UTC and a user is located in New Zealand, the timestamp in that region would be 09/28/2023 19:30 NZST. The exchange rates that CoinTracker users are fixed meaning we use the same rate for the entire day. As a user, I would expect these rates to be optimized or dynamic to account for the shifting fiat rates. As a user, what should I do? This report is being submitted as a bug to represent exchange rate optimization. Please see add an upvote to this feature request to support custom exchange rates. How can users provide feedback? You can upvote this forum post to indicate you are experiencing this behavior. The post status will be changed to Complete once a fix is rolled out to all users. Up-voters will be notified of the status change. I need additional assistance, who can I contact? For further assistance, please contact our support team directly . Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to enhance your CoinTracker experience! Keywords: exchange rate, fiat
