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Feature Requests

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Allow users to find and edit the cost basis of an outgoing asset/ edit cost basis on transfer transactions
Users Feature Request: Improve the process for editing the cost basis of an outgoing asset in CoinTracker. Currently, users must navigate through several steps to locate and edit the incoming transaction that sets the cost basis. This process can be cumbersome and unintuitive. A direct method to access and modify the cost basis from the outgoing transaction's details would enhance user experience significantly. As a user, what can I do? To adjust the cost basis for an outgoing asset, follow these steps: Navigate to the Tax Center for the year of the outgoing transaction (for example, for 2023, go to 2023 Tax Center ). Download the Capital Gains CSV from the bottom right of the Tax Center. In the CSV, search for the outgoing transaction. The Received Date column shows the date of the transaction where the cost basis was set. Go to Transactions and filter by the Received Date. There, you can edit the cost basis of the token. You can 🔼 upvote this feedback post to indicate you would like a more streamlined feature added! The post status will be changed to Complete should we pursue this feature. Up-voters will be notified of the status change. I need additional assistance, who can I contact? For further assistance, please contact our support team directly . Thank you for your feedback and cooperation as we work to enhance your CoinTracker experience! Keywords: cost basis, capital gains, tax reporting, transaction editing


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